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Installing From Scratch | Superset
Installing Superset from Scratch
상단 게시글을 보고 따라 설치하던 중 superset db upgrade에서 다음과 같은 에러 발생
modulenotfounderror: no module named 'cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x509'
아래 답변을 보면 다운그레이드를 시도하라고 함.
기존의 cryptography 버전을 삭제 후 다운그레이드한 버전으로 설치하면 오류 해결
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x509' in ubuntu 22.04
During the installation of the Apache superset with the direction from the below link https://asd.learnlearn.in/apache-superset-ubuntu-22/ We are getting the error shown below: (venv) skt@admin:~$
pip uninstall cryptography pip install cryptography==38.0.2
2. vmware 연결, 외부에서 superset UI 접속하기
superset 실행시 host를으로 설정할 것 (포트 오픈은 당연히 해야함, https://dodo-it.tistory.com/71 참고)
In superset, unable to star with my own ip address. Its taking default ip address i.e
enter image description here Configured in Ubuntu of superset, unable to star with my own ip address. Its taking default ip address i.e
superset run -h -p 8088
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